Quick & Easy Tips to Write Attractive Headlines

Here are a few simple ways to ensure your headlines are strong and captivating.

Ask a Question

What better way to get your readers attention than by asking them a burning question?

It’s a great way to make them sit up and pay attention, while making them feel as though you really understand how they are feeling.

Use Power Words

I’ve included a cheat sheet of power words at the end of this report to help you get started, but I wanted to mention it in this section as well because it’s exceptionally important.

Words such as “Warning, Special, Uncover, Success and Winning” are all positive words that evoke emotion. Sprinkle them throughout your copy and make sure you use at least one power word in your headline and sub-headlines.

Be Controversial (if it suits your audience).
Your job is to elicit a response from your reader.  So, if you know your target audience and what makes them tick (and you better), you can get away with using controversy to capture attention.

Want proof that this works? The website http://www.clickhereyouidiot.com/ has garnered thousands of clicks and visits due to the shock-value in their domain.  Go ahead, give it a try. You know you want to. 😉

Cater to the “How-to” Crowd
How To styled headlines work extremely well, especially when they directly target a specific solution to a problem or task.

For example, “How to hit the New York Times bestsellers list with your first book!” targets the new author who is yearning to become a bestseller but doesn’t have a lengthy backlist (or any backlist at all).  Be very direct and targeted with how-to headlines!

 The 4 U’s

The 4 U’s is a term you’ll hear throughout copywriting circles, so let me explain exactly what it means and how it will help you write better copy.

For your headlines to be engaging and effective, they should contain all of the following four points:

  • Your headline should provide a sense of URGENCY.
  • Your headline should be UNIQUE.
  • Your headline should be USEFUL.
  • Your headline should be ULTRA-SPECIFIC (direct).

Urgency persuades people to take immediate action because they know they need to respond promptly or lose an opportunity of some kind. The clock is ticking and they can’t twiddle their thumbs, debating whether to move on it or not. They need to act now.

Incorporating a sense of urgency into your headlines can definitely help motivate people, but be careful with this:  You need to make sure that your headlines contain the other three U’s in order for urgency to be effective and not come across as pushy.

Unique is a critical component of a successful headline because it will provide your reader with something fresh and new, instead of the same thing they’ve seen countless times before (and likely become unresponsive to).  Customers are bombarded by sales messages every single day, so you need to work hard to capture their attention with a uniquely crafted headline that your readers haven’t seen before.

Don’t be afraid to be edgy, to take risks and to offer your customers something different.  They’ll take notice!

Useful in your headlines gives people a reason to read on.  This is where you highlight the most important benefit of your product and service and persuade them to continue reading. Of all the U’s, this is the most important one.

Ultra-Specific ensures that you are being direct when targeting your market. It guides you so that your headline is effectively communicating your message to your audience and clarifying its benefit.

Your job is to incorporate all four U’s into your headline, if possible. It’s not always easy to include them all, but even if you only include one or two your headline will be stronger than ever before.

Give it a try!

Cheat Sheet

To help you get started, here are some power words commonly used in successful headlines and ad copy.  Most high-converting headlines will incorporate at least one of the following words:

Mystery Words: Secrets, Insider, Proven, Expert, Revealing, Unlock, Uncover, Announcing, Rare, Unusual, Explore, Discover, Exclusive, Private.

Excitement Triggers: Savings, Save, Bonus, Instant, Lifetime, Special, Unleash, Ultimate, Maximum, Exceptional, Powerful.

Urgency Words: Rush, Immediately, Instant, Limited-Time, Temporary, Last Minute, Urgent.

Power Words:  Boost, Grow, Succeed, Accelerate, Turbo Charge, Guaranteed, Tested, Profitable, Trusted, Amazing, Stunning, Phenomenal, Incredible, Unbelievable, Jaw-Dropping, Sensational.

Simplify Words:  Easy, Simple, Fail Proof, Foolproof, Effortless, Child’s Play, Easier, Stress-Free, Easy Going, Laid Back.


David Ogilvy was an exceptional copywriter and we can certainly all learn a lot from him.  It was his belief that the foundation of every successful marketing campaign begins with a killer headline that immediately speaks to our customer. 

Thankfully, by following the copywriting giants before us, we are given a simple formula, proven to work time and time again.

And remember, practice makes perfect!  Work on your headlines every single day and study what is working for others. Keep a steady pulse on your market and learn to speak their language. As David said, “Never stop testing and your advertising will never stop improving.”

Consider creating an extended swipe file of collected phrases and words seen throughout your niche market and use that for inspiration when working on your ad copy.  Believe me, it will help!

I hope this special report helps you create better headlines and stronger ad copy, and I wish you the very best of success in your business. 

I will leave you with a final quote from David Ogilvy. 

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark. Aim for the company of immortals.”

Well said, Mr. Ogilvy. Very well said, indeed.